Mahendra Pumps - truly a practitioner of Environment Sensitive Initiatives!
Mahendra Pump's CSR initiatives are aplenty. Significant among them are sustained campaigns in the prudent use of water that the company issues in various journals and newspapers that purport to sensitize people to water usage patterns that will sustain available resources. Mahendra's support to Siruthuli's current initiative to enhance green cover in the region - 'Pasumpulari' - saw the company urge individuals and corporate bodies to be an active participant in the event that focuses on planting over 1 lakh trees to ensure its objective. The latest CSR Campaign from Mahendra continues its focus on water resources; rejuvenation, augmentation, and protection by enhancing the green cover of the region. The campaign suggests a choice of trees that can be chosen which will not only enhance green cover but is likely to contribute to the health of the environment.
The Mahendra Product stable reflects the passion of the company to ensure a favorable environment. Its energy-efficient pumps are 5 stars rated ensuring that optimum operation is delivered at minimal energy drawing capabilities. Mahendra recommends that customers are prudent in drawing from water resources so that water continues to be available for generations to come.